Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why Oh Why ...

Do hairdressers chop off a mile of your hair when you only ask for a trim ?? I've changed hairdressers zillions of times because of this .. it's like the curse of hairdressers or something , as soon as they have a pair scissors in their hands and a head of hair in front of them they suddenly go into a trance state and forget that just a millisecond ago you were holding your fingers just a centimetre apart while stating "This .. is how much I want to trim off .. "
I've decided I want to grow my hair long again .. actually even longer then it was .. something like down to my lower back . But still I can't not have it trimmed because there's no point in any hairstyle if you have unhealthy hair . I have my hairdresser come to my place because it's more comfortable for me . The last time I had a trim was about 3 months ago and she actually trimmed as much as I wanted , or I should say as little as I wanted . Of course she couldn't do it without commenting "It needs much more but I'll only cut half an inch like you want.." I was happy she understood me .So today I didn't feel the need to tell her a second time that all I want is a little trim cos I dumbly assumed she would obey like last time ...
How wrong was I not to remember the damn curse of the scissors .. which can only be broken if you insist on asking for the exact length of what you want cut over 3zillion times .
"Oh now that looks much much better .. and it's so much more manageable.." I hear her say as I count my money to pay her whilst swearing silently that this is the last bloody time !! .. until next time ..


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