Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just Movies

Right now Im in "movie mode" .. I couldnt remember the last time I had seen a movie , Im just so busy all the time and I sort of forget films during summertime cos I spend more time outdoors but I was missing watching something good so here are some short reviews of the films Ive been watching lately ..

The Basketball Diaries

Ive got this one on dvd and had seen it already before but I wanted to see it again because its one of those films which really makes you think. Its basically about this teenager Jim Carroll (Leonardo DiCaprio) and how he falls into a drug addiction . Leonardo DiCaprio is really young in this one but still he gives an excellent performance!! My star rating is a 4/5


I never go for horror films but this one was on tv and actually its not really scary . This teen who is under house arrest for punching his teacher develops a new hobby of spying on his neighbours . He starts noticing strange things going on in one of his neighbours houses and tells his two friends that he thinks his neighbour is a murderer .. anyway not to give anything away incase you might see it .. basically these three friends start snooping to find out the truth . My star rating is a 3/5 . Not anything special really !!

Hoping to go to the local DVD store soon  cos I really need to get up todate with the latest movies =)


Kirthi said...

I love Enya's music too! Such a great singer. And if that girl looks like your daughter, then your daughter must be incredibly beautiful!!!

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