Friday, August 27, 2010

A House of Light - Candida Clark


A young photographer returns to her family house after a shocking incident: her flat and its contents have been destroyed in a fire. However, the peace and distraction she had hoped for prove hard to find. Her presence is required at her father's second wedding, and the assembling guests have secrets of their own: secrets which cast a new and terrible light not only on recent events, but on her family's history, their beautiful old house and all that she held dear.


Truth is I expected it to end better. I was disappointed that the element of surprise is lost as you read because you can easily guess what "secrets" will be revealed later on . I love the cover and that's partly what made me buy this book . I also love the way its written , very descriptive and the whole setting is kind of something I like reading because its so "relaxed" . I do recommend it for a quick read but don't expect too much out of it . My rating is a  2/5 .


Natasha said...

2/5 is kinda low, huh? =))))

Deborah said...

Yeah it is . Maybe a 2 and a half will be better xD

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