Monday, March 21, 2011

Retail Therapy

Buying even the smallest or cheapest thing can lift up your mood so much . Even if I don't actually need anything (hardly ever is the case haha) I always buy at least something , however small or cheap , it makes my day feel fulfilled I guess .
Had a day out with some girlfriends lately and these are some of my little purchases I just couldn't resist not buying .


Sunglasses and a purse .. wait fooorrr it ... for just €1.95 each =O
Ok no fancy designer names but they're still so worth it .. the purse is so fun & girly .. and I'm loving the big shades .. and to think , I was just about to spend €18 on a purse but wasn't so convinced cos it wasn't so much my style and I then met this one for practically nothing . Woohoo made my day =)

Hmm my lunch , a chicken filled wrap with crisps and salad (choosing the healthy option these days) it was yummy ..


My baby had fish fingers and chips .. Aww shes a cutie !! =)

All this plus a bright warm sunny day , lots of window shopping and gossip .. what more could a girl want !


Elle said...

I added you on Bloglovin' and was wondering if you would like to return the favor?

If you'd like, we could even trade blogroll links as well? Let me know, love your blog :)

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