Friday, March 18, 2011

Eye Candy

After an absolutely fabulous day out in the sunshine with my girlfriends (will blog about that later) .. Ive stumbled upon these sweet eyeshadow ideas which I definitely plan to try out soon . I know it might look a bit overboard for everyday makeup but thats my style & mood right now . I love the bright colour combination , great for the spring/summer season orelse to uplift your mood in the cold winter greyness . Obviously Im loving the pink =)

This eyeshadow just looks yummy , like candy . Now my quest , to find a good eyeshadow palette of colors as Im a bit dry on the makeup right now so its time I revamped my makeup bag and get stocked with some goodies. I'll share my latest purchases and in later review posts.

Now my friends its time for a hot mug of tea and a chillaxed evening infront of the telly .


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