Thursday, September 9, 2010

Beautiful bohemian Fashion

I'm so intrigued by bohemian and hippie style fashion and have been experimenting with different outfits lately [will post pictures in future post =] ] So what is boho fashion ?

Bohemian fashion is an artistic style of dress that many people enjoy wearing. The style varies from ethnic trends to vintage fashion, and can even include traditional hippie-style clothing. An element that most bohemian fashion wearers share is a desire to express themselves aesthetically. Most venues carry items considered acceptable for bohemian dress.
 Secondhand stores in particular often provide bohemian fashion enthusiasts with a plethora of wardrobe materials. They might find scarves, unconventional patterns, punk t-shirts, plaid skirts, sunglasses, and a variety of other items to create a unique bohemian style. A bohemian often considers his or her entire body, including its fashion elements, as a work of art.

Being a hippie I guess also means to not care whatever anyone thinks and wear however one wants !!


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