Sunday, July 24, 2011

Keitai Spam

Gyaru Lesson of the day : Keitai
I just learnt that ...

Keitai is the japanese word for portable . Keitai-denwa meaning portable phone but they just call it Keitai for short I guess =)

Here is some Keitai photo examples .. (photos with a portable phone or cam in the picture)

Love xoxo

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Quickie post

Gals , I'm dying of heat this summer . My country is a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean so the sun sure shines hot here . I'm spending my time mostly in front of the fan , at the beach or just lazing about mainly .

I'm being so lazy I didn't even bother to edit the pic (scuse me !)
Sparkly Rhinestones on purple varnish is what I wore today !


Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Gyaru

Hello sweethearts , I'm just back from a wonderful morning at the beach . I Love Love Love the beach and the sea =))) I go early morning so that the sun isn't too hot and the sea is sooo fresh at that time too .. I'm working on my tan as I'm fair skinned so I get burnt easily =/ and I hate getting burnt cos it doesn't look nice and it's bad for the skin !

I'm looking around to buy a new bikini this week (cos a girl never has enough xD) and here are some inspiring pictures I found ..

Wow Look at these gyaru style swimsuit/bikinis ..I'm loving the vibrant colors and cute styles!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Phone Deco

Remember those cheap nailart stickers I used in previous posts . Well I found these which are similar , only you stick then on your phone or laptop or wherever you want . They're a very cheap version of phone-deco but still very cute and pretty !!

This is what my phone looks like now =))

I'd love to decorate my phone with some proper Japanese style deco-den in the future (deco obviously meaning decorate and den coming from the word denwa - meaning phone =)), like these ones ...

So Kawaiii !!!!!