Friday, July 30, 2010

Back to Curls

Me and my curls have a Love-Hate relationship .. seriously .. it took me ages to come to love my naturally blond curly hair !! As a child I hated it and always wished to have long poker straight hair just like my sisters , why the hell did I have to be born with a head full of uncontrollable curls , I used to think! I tried everything to have straight hair , shampoos , brushing over a 100 times before sleeping and I even remember myself ironing it with a hot iron at the age of 13(please do NOT try this). Still whatever I did the result never lasted long .. when I discovered gel I used to shower my head in it till the curls where as hard as rock and always had this wet look going on and kept this look for about 6 years all throughout highschool despite the grownups advice of " It will look much better if you left it naturally without all that gel" .. anyway after that I started getting it highlighted and eventually about 3 years ago started dying it until I got the blond I wanted ( Ill have to write a post about that someday cos its a hell of a story which includes chopping 3 quarters of my hair off ..) anyway .. blowdries seemed to keep straight and without frizzing and Ive been blowdrying it ever since . Firstly cos I like it straight and secondly cos its more manageable , I mean I just blowdry and don't have to wash it for a week . The secret for this is actually keeping it healthy , a blowdry on unhealthy hair will just frizz . I cut it like every 6 weeks and use an intense repair treatment every week after washing it and it works wonders ( currently using L'Oreal Intense Repair )

Now Ive suddenly decided that I want to grow my hair long again and have it naturally curly for a change (Ive suddenly turned hippie mode again). After years of blowdrying though its hard to get it exactly as it was so suddenly and it needs loads of taking care of so I'm posting some cheap DIY remedies of how to take care of curly hair and will post pictures of the result in later posts .

Honey Conditioner

Mix a spoon of honey into a cup of water and massage carefully into hair. Leave hair to soak for five minutes and then wash out carefully.

Deep Hair Conditioning Treatments

Curly hair sometimes needs additional conditioning treatments to stay shiny. An easy way to boost moisture is to mix half an avocado with a spoon of olive oil. Massage carefully into hair and leave for twenty minutes with an old shower cap to aid penetration. Other hair masks can be made using coconut milk, banana and honey. Experiment with combinations to find a good formula that eliminates frizz and improves condition.

Girls with Curls

Taylor Swift looks fab with her naturally curly hair ..

Nicole Kidmann , so stylish ..

The stunningly beautiful Vanessa Paradis ..

Monday, July 26, 2010

I Heart

Ive just been browsing some of the latest Johnny Depp pics while working on the latest "Pirates of the Carribbean:On Stranger Tides"

Waiting eagerly for it to be out .. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I do =D

Captain Jack Sparrow

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Yes .. Gah!! .. I know, I know , its a stupid title for a blog post buts that's exactly how I feel right now. Sometimes my OCD for perfectionism takes over and its really frustrating!! So if you notice what a messy blog background Ive got right now (my apologies) but its going to stay like that till later on when I'm calmer and in the right mind to start editing again .. Ive just spent like 2 and a half hours changing templates and colors and I still haven't found the perfect template and background .. Gah , gah and GAH !! *Frustration*

Monday, July 19, 2010

Life in general

Summer is HOT here and sometimes its so hot too bother about thinking let alone blogging . Ive been rereading some of my latest posts *cringe* I am very tempted to delete some of them but Ill leave them there just a while longer , if anything to make my blog look more full .

I love browsing other peoples blogs , book blogs , fashion blogs , diary blogs , girly blogs , you name it , theres loads of topics from which to satisfy ones reading apetite . I started to think what kind of blog I should have , but Ive got so many interests and loads of ideas that I couldnt just think of one topic so yeah mine is gonna be about Life in general .. MY life =) my thoughts , ideas , rants , gossip .. whatever !!

So ... my life has been crazy these days !! Well not so much exciting-crazy more busy-crazy .. hardly have any time to myself . Right now its 8.55pm and finally I can relax and catch up with online stuff .. thats if my baby doesnt wake up again . Im 23 and have an 8 month old daughter . She is the love of my life . I fell in love with her the first time I ever looked into her sky blue eyes . My pride and joy .. but oh how tiring !! Being a first time mum and doing it all on my own it can get difficult at times but Im hanging in there and at the end of the day its so rewarding ..

Like I said here on the small island I live on we get scorching hot summers and its doesnt really inspire one to do anything other then throw oneself infront of a fan and doze off or spend the day by the sea .. so yeah life in general right now consists of early mornings walks to my mum , feeding and playing with the little one , and relaxing with a book or just surfing the net when I got some free time .. oh yeah and going to the beach for a swim .. I know its too hot for the baby but we go at 7.00am when the suns just coming up and the sea is so fresh and calm at that time so I really enjoy it ..

I guess thats all I have to say right now .. I must upload pictures of our next trip to the beach .. I will be having an early night tonight as tomoroow is market day in our town and will be going early with baby and maybe meeting some friends I havent seen for a while too =)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Charity Shops

Being a total shopaholic I will try to spend my extra cash whenever I get the chance and having some free time yesterday morning I decided to go to the Charity shop . I love rummaging in second hand "junk" to see what bargain treasures Ill find , especially for vintage pieces like handbags and costume jewellery and most of all books .. sometimes brand new !!

My latest buys are two books "By Design" and "Trouble in the village" which cost me only €1 each and I got a little baby animal book for the little one which was 50c . Actually I picked these two up judging them only by their cover and title because baby fell asleep on me and I didn't have much time to read the back covers .. actually I did want to check out the handbag section more but it was too tiring with a baby on my shoulder so I left that for another day !

The books I got =)

I'll probably do a review post for them when Ive finished reading them ( and if I think they re worth it ) ..

Another plus is that the money they get from selling things allways goes to a good cause like this shop I buy from they help dogs and abandoned animals so even if I dont really find anything special sometimes I'll allways just spend a €1 to help them out =)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Some things are best kept secret

Yep so I deleted my previous post .
Why ?
Cos somethings are just best kept secret ..
You never know who might be reading ..
Even though rereading it I think its a beautiful story and wonderfully written(hows that for self glorification haha )..maybe one day Ill include it in a book I plan to write sometime *dreams*
I'm leaving the picture that I had included in remembrance of the deleted post ..
